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- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <gconfschemafile>
- <schemalist>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/initiate_button</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/initiate_button</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default><Super>Button1</default>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Initiate</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Започни</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn">
- <short>শুরু </short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn_IN">
- <short>শুরু </short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ca">
- <short>Inicia</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Iniciovat</short>
- <long>Pořídit snímek obrazovky</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="da">
- <short>Start</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Initiieren</short>
- <long>Start der Auswahl des aufzunehmenden Rechtecks</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Εκκίνηση</short>
- <long>Εκκίνηση τετράγωνης αρπαγής οθόνης</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Iniciar</short>
- <long>Inicia captura de pantalla rectangular</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Hasi</short>
- <long>Hasi laukizuzen pantaila argazkia</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Aktivoi</short>
- <long>Käynnistä suorakulmion muotoinen kuvankaappaaja</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Lancer</short>
- <long>Lancer une capture d'écran</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Iniciar</short>
- <long>Iniciar Rectángulo de Captura de Pantalla </long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>התחל</short>
- <long>הפעל צילום מסך של מרובע</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>Indítás</short>
- <long>Téglalap képernyőkép készítése</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Avvia</short>
- <long>Cattura schermata rettangolare</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>開始</short>
- <long>矩形選択スクリーンショットを開始</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>시작</short>
- <long>사각형 형태의 스크린샷을 찍음</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Begynn</short>
- <long>Begynn rektangulært skjermbilde</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Initialiseren</short>
- <long>Initiëer rechthoek schermafdruk</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭ କର</short>
- <long>ଆଯତାକାର ସ୍କ୍ରିସଟକୁ ଆରମ୍ଭକର</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Inicjuj</short>
- <long>Rozpocznik prostok─àtny zrzut ekranu</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Iniciar</short>
- <long>Captura de secção rectangular do ecrã</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Iniciar</short>
- <long>Captura de uma parte retangular da tela</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Inițiere</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Инициировать</short>
- <long>Сделать снимок области</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Začať</short>
- <long>Zosnímať obrazovku</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sl">
- <short>Inicializiraj</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Initiera</short>
- <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>Başla</short>
- <long>Dikdörtgen ekran görüntüsünü başlat</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Ініціювати</short>
- <long>Зробити знімок області</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>启动</short>
- <long>启动矩形截屏</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>開始畫按鍵</short>
- <long>啟用矩型選擇擷取螢幕</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/directory</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/directory</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Directory</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Директория</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn">
- <short>ডিরেক্টরী</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn_IN">
- <short>ডিরেক্টরী</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Adresář</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Verzeichnis</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Διαδρομή</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Carpeta</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Direktorioa</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Hakemisto</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Répertoire</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Cartafol</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>ספריה</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hi">
- <short>निर्देशिका</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>Könyvtár</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Directory</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>ディレクトリ</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>디렉토리</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Katalog</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Directory</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ବିବରଣୀପଞ୍ଜିକା</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Katalog</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Direct├│rio</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Diret├│rio</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Каталог</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Prie─ìinok</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>Katalog</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>Dizin</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Каталог</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>目录</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>目錄</short>
- <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- <schema>
- <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/launch_app</key>
- <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/launch_app</applyto>
- <owner>compiz</owner>
- <type>string</type>
- <default/>
- <locale name="C">
- <short>Launch Application</short>
- <long>Automatically open screenshot in this application</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bg">
- <short>Стартирай приложение</short>
- <long>Automatically open screenshot in this application</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn">
- <short>স্থাপনকার্যের অনুপ্রয়োগ</short>
- <long>এই অনুপ্রয়োগে স্ক্রিনশটগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে খুলে যায়</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="bn_IN">
- <short>স্থাপনকার্যের অনুপ্রয়োগ</short>
- <long>এই অনুপ্রয়োগে স্ক্রিনশটগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে খুলে যায়</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="cs">
- <short>Spustit aplikaci : </short>
- <long>Automaticky otevřít snímek v této aplikaci</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="de">
- <short>Anwendung starten</short>
- <long>Bildschirmfoto automatisch mit dieser Anwendung ├╢ffnen</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="el">
- <short>Εκκίνηση Εφαρμογής</short>
- <long>Αυτόματο άνοιγμα αρπαγής οθόνης σε αυτή την εφαρμογή</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="es">
- <short>Iniciar Aplicaci├│n</short>
- <long>Automaticamente toma una captura de pantalla en esta aplicaci├│n</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="eu">
- <short>Abiarazi aplikazioa</short>
- <long>Auomatikoki ireki pantaila argazkia aplikazio honetan</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fi">
- <short>Suorita sovellus</short>
- <long>Ohjelma joka automaattisesti avaa kuvakaappauksen</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="fr">
- <short>Lancer une Application</short>
- <long>Ouvrir automatiquement la capture d'écran dans cette application</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gl">
- <short>Lanzar Aplicaci├│n</short>
- <long>Abrir automaticamente a captura de pantalla con esta aplicaci├│n</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="gu">
- <short>કાર્યક્રમ લાવો</short>
- <long>સ્ક્રીનશોટ આપોઆપ આ કાર્યક્રમમાં ખોલો</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="he">
- <short>שגר יישום</short>
- <long>פתח אוטומטית צילומי מסך ביישום זה</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hi">
- <short>अनुप्रयोग लांच करें</short>
- <long>इस अनुप्रयोग में स्वतः स्क्रीनशॉट खोलें</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="hu">
- <short>Alkalmazás indítása</short>
- <long>A automatikus indítása bejelentkezéskor</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="it">
- <short>Applicazione da eseguire</short>
- <long>Apre le schermate con questa applicazione</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ja">
- <short>起動アプリケーション</short>
- <long>スクリーンショット画像をこのアプリケーションで自動的に開く</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ko">
- <short>프로그램 실행</short>
- <long>이 프로그램을 사용하여 스크린샷을 자동으로 열기</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nb">
- <short>Kj├╕r program</short>
- <long>Åpne skjermbilde automatisk med dette programmet</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="nl">
- <short>Start toepassing</short>
- <long>Automatisch schermafdruk openen in deze applicatie</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="or">
- <short>ପ୍ରାରମ୍ଭକରିବା ପ୍ରଯୋଗ</short>
- <long>ଏହି ପ୍ରଯୋଗରେ ସ୍ବଯଂଚାଳିତଭାବରେ ସ୍କ୍ରିନସଟ ଖୋଲ</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pl">
- <short>Uruchom program</short>
- <long>Automatycznie otwiera zrzut ekrany w tym programie</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt">
- <short>Iniciar Aplicação</short>
- <long>Abrir automaticamente captura de ecrã nesta aplicação</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="pt_BR">
- <short>Iniciar Aplicação</short>
- <long>Abrir automaticamente captura de tela nesta aplicação</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ro">
- <short>Lansare aplicație</short>
- <long>Deschide captura de ecran automat în această aplicație</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="ru">
- <short>Запустить приложение</short>
- <long>Автоматически снимок экрана в этой программе</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sk">
- <short>Spustiť aplikáciu</short>
- <long>Automaticky otvoriť snímku v tejto aplikácii</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="sv">
- <short>K├╢r program</short>
- <long>Öppna automatiskt skärmbilder i detta program</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="tr">
- <short>Uygulamayı Başlat</short>
- <long>Ekran görüntüsünü otomatik olarak bu uygulama ile aç</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="uk">
- <short>Запустити програму</short>
- <long>Автоматично знімок екрану в цій програмі</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_CN">
- <short>启动应用程序</short>
- <long>在该应用程序中自动开启截屏</long>
- </locale>
- <locale name="zh_TW">
- <short>啟動的應用程式</short>
- <long>在這個應用程式中自動開啟螢幕擷取</long>
- </locale>
- </schema>
- </schemalist>
- </gconfschemafile>