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Extensible Markup Language  |  2009-10-20  |  16.8 KB  |  419 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <gconfschemafile>
  3.   <schemalist>
  4.     <schema>
  5.       <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/initiate_button</key>
  6.       <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/initiate_button</applyto>
  7.       <owner>compiz</owner>
  8.       <type>string</type>
  9.       <default><Super>Button1</default>
  10.       <locale name="C">
  11.         <short>Initiate</short>
  12.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  13.       </locale>
  14.       <locale name="bg">
  15.         <short>╨ù╨░╨┐╨╛╤ç╨╜╨╕</short>
  16.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  17.       </locale>
  18.       <locale name="bn">
  19.         <short>αª╢αºüαª░αºü </short>
  20.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  21.       </locale>
  22.       <locale name="bn_IN">
  23.         <short>αª╢αºüαª░αºü </short>
  24.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  25.       </locale>
  26.       <locale name="ca">
  27.         <short>Inicia</short>
  28.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  29.       </locale>
  30.       <locale name="cs">
  31.         <short>Iniciovat</short>
  32.         <long>Po┼Ö├¡dit sn├¡mek obrazovky</long>
  33.       </locale>
  34.       <locale name="da">
  35.         <short>Start</short>
  36.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  37.       </locale>
  38.       <locale name="de">
  39.         <short>Initiieren</short>
  40.         <long>Start der Auswahl des aufzunehmenden Rechtecks</long>
  41.       </locale>
  42.       <locale name="el">
  43.         <short>╬ò╬║╬║╬»╬╜╬╖╧â╬╖</short>
  44.         <long>╬ò╬║╬║╬»╬╜╬╖╧â╬╖ ╧ä╬╡╧ä╧ü╬¼╬│╧ë╬╜╬╖╧é ╬▒╧ü╧Ç╬▒╬│╬«╧é ╬┐╬╕╧î╬╜╬╖╧é</long>
  45.       </locale>
  46.       <locale name="es">
  47.         <short>Iniciar</short>
  48.         <long>Inicia captura de pantalla rectangular</long>
  49.       </locale>
  50.       <locale name="eu">
  51.         <short>Hasi</short>
  52.         <long>Hasi laukizuzen pantaila argazkia</long>
  53.       </locale>
  54.       <locale name="fi">
  55.         <short>Aktivoi</short>
  56.         <long>K├ñynnist├ñ suorakulmion muotoinen kuvankaappaaja</long>
  57.       </locale>
  58.       <locale name="fr">
  59.         <short>Lancer</short>
  60.         <long>Lancer une capture d'├⌐cran</long>
  61.       </locale>
  62.       <locale name="gl">
  63.         <short>Iniciar</short>
  64.         <long>Iniciar Rect├íngulo de Captura de Pantalla </long>
  65.       </locale>
  66.       <locale name="he">
  67.         <short>╫ö╫¬╫ù╫£</short>
  68.         <long>╫ö╫ñ╫ó╫£ ╫ª╫Ö╫£╫ò╫¥ ╫₧╫í╫Ü ╫⌐╫£ ╫₧╫¿╫ò╫æ╫ó</long>
  69.       </locale>
  70.       <locale name="hu">
  71.         <short>Ind├¡t├ís</short>
  72.         <long>T├⌐glalap k├⌐perny┼æk├⌐p k├⌐sz├¡t├⌐se</long>
  73.       </locale>
  74.       <locale name="it">
  75.         <short>Avvia</short>
  76.         <long>Cattura schermata rettangolare</long>
  77.       </locale>
  78.       <locale name="ja">
  79.         <short>Θûïσºï</short>
  80.         <long>τƒ⌐σ╜óΘü╕µè₧πé╣πé»πâ¬πâ╝πâ│πé╖πâºπââπâêπéÆΘûïσºï</long>
  81.       </locale>
  82.       <locale name="ko">
  83.         <short>∞ï£∞₧æ</short>
  84.         <long>∞é¼Ω░üφÿò φÿòφâ£∞¥ÿ ∞èñφü¼δª░∞â╖∞¥ä ∞░ì∞¥î</long>
  85.       </locale>
  86.       <locale name="nb">
  87.         <short>Begynn</short>
  88.         <long>Begynn rektangul├ªrt skjermbilde</long>
  89.       </locale>
  90.       <locale name="nl">
  91.         <short>Initialiseren</short>
  92.         <long>Initi├½er rechthoek schermafdruk</long>
  93.       </locale>
  94.       <locale name="or">
  95.         <short>ପα¡ìα¼░α¼╛α¼░ମα¡ìଭ α¼òα¼░</short>
  96.         <long>α¼åα¼»α¼ñα¼╛α¼òα¼╛α¼░ α¼╕α¡ìα¼òα¡ìα¼░α¼┐α¼╕ଟα¼òα¡ü α¼åα¼░ମα¡ìଭα¼òα¼░</long>
  97.       </locale>
  98.       <locale name="pl">
  99.         <short>Inicjuj</short>
  100.         <long>Rozpocznik prostok─àtny zrzut ekranu</long>
  101.       </locale>
  102.       <locale name="pt">
  103.         <short>Iniciar</short>
  104.         <long>Captura de sec├º├úo rectangular do ecr├ú</long>
  105.       </locale>
  106.       <locale name="pt_BR">
  107.         <short>Iniciar</short>
  108.         <long>Captura de uma parte retangular da tela</long>
  109.       </locale>
  110.       <locale name="ro">
  111.         <short>Ini╚¢iere</short>
  112.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  113.       </locale>
  114.       <locale name="ru">
  115.         <short>╨ÿ╨╜╨╕╤å╨╕╨╕╤Ç╨╛╨▓╨░╤é╤î</short>
  116.         <long>╨í╨┤╨╡╨╗╨░╤é╤î ╤ü╨╜╨╕╨╝╨╛╨║ ╨╛╨▒╨╗╨░╤ü╤é╨╕</long>
  117.       </locale>
  118.       <locale name="sk">
  119.         <short>Za─ìa┼Ñ</short>
  120.         <long>Zosn├¡ma┼Ñ obrazovku</long>
  121.       </locale>
  122.       <locale name="sl">
  123.         <short>Inicializiraj</short>
  124.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  125.       </locale>
  126.       <locale name="sv">
  127.         <short>Initiera</short>
  128.         <long>Initiate rectangle screenshot</long>
  129.       </locale>
  130.       <locale name="tr">
  131.         <short>Ba┼ƒla</short>
  132.         <long>Dikd├╢rtgen ekran g├╢r├╝nt├╝s├╝n├╝ ba┼ƒlat</long>
  133.       </locale>
  134.       <locale name="uk">
  135.         <short>╨å╨╜╤û╤å╤û╤Ä╨▓╨░╤é╨╕</short>
  136.         <long>╨ù╤Ç╨╛╨▒╨╕╤é╨╕ ╨╖╨╜╤û╨╝╨╛╨║ ╨╛╨▒╨╗╨░╤ü╤é╤û</long>
  137.       </locale>
  138.       <locale name="zh_CN">
  139.         <short>σÉ»σè¿</short>
  140.         <long>σÉ»σè¿τƒ⌐σ╜óµê¬σ▒Å</long>
  141.       </locale>
  142.       <locale name="zh_TW">
  143.         <short>Θûïσºïτò½µîëΘì╡</short>
  144.         <long>σòƒτö¿τƒ⌐σ₧ïΘü╕µôçµô╖σÅûΦ₧óσ╣ò</long>
  145.       </locale>
  146.     </schema>
  147.     <schema>
  148.       <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/directory</key>
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  150.       <owner>compiz</owner>
  151.       <type>string</type>
  152.       <default/>
  153.       <locale name="C">
  154.         <short>Directory</short>
  155.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  156.       </locale>
  157.       <locale name="bg">
  158.         <short>╨ö╨╕╤Ç╨╡╨║╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╕╤Å</short>
  159.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  160.       </locale>
  161.       <locale name="bn">
  162.         <short>αªíαª┐αª░αºçαªòαºì᪃αª░αºÇ</short>
  163.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  164.       </locale>
  165.       <locale name="bn_IN">
  166.         <short>αªíαª┐αª░αºçαªòαºì᪃αª░αºÇ</short>
  167.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  168.       </locale>
  169.       <locale name="cs">
  170.         <short>Adres├í┼Ö</short>
  171.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  172.       </locale>
  173.       <locale name="de">
  174.         <short>Verzeichnis</short>
  175.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  176.       </locale>
  177.       <locale name="el">
  178.         <short>╬ö╬╣╬▒╬┤╧ü╬┐╬╝╬«</short>
  179.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  180.       </locale>
  181.       <locale name="es">
  182.         <short>Carpeta</short>
  183.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  184.       </locale>
  185.       <locale name="eu">
  186.         <short>Direktorioa</short>
  187.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  188.       </locale>
  189.       <locale name="fi">
  190.         <short>Hakemisto</short>
  191.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  192.       </locale>
  193.       <locale name="fr">
  194.         <short>R├⌐pertoire</short>
  195.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  196.       </locale>
  197.       <locale name="gl">
  198.         <short>Cartafol</short>
  199.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  200.       </locale>
  201.       <locale name="he">
  202.         <short>╫í╫ñ╫¿╫Ö╫ö</short>
  203.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  204.       </locale>
  205.       <locale name="hi">
  206.         <short>αñ¿αñ┐αñ░αÑìαñªαÑçαñ╢αñ┐αñòαñ╛</short>
  207.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  208.       </locale>
  209.       <locale name="hu">
  210.         <short>K├╢nyvt├ír</short>
  211.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  212.       </locale>
  213.       <locale name="it">
  214.         <short>Directory</short>
  215.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  216.       </locale>
  217.       <locale name="ja">
  218.         <short>πâçπéúπâ¼πé»πâêπâ¬</short>
  219.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  220.       </locale>
  221.       <locale name="ko">
  222.         <short>δööδáëφåá리</short>
  223.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  224.       </locale>
  225.       <locale name="nb">
  226.         <short>Katalog</short>
  227.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  228.       </locale>
  229.       <locale name="nl">
  230.         <short>Directory</short>
  231.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  232.       </locale>
  233.       <locale name="or">
  234.         <short>α¼¼α¼┐α¼¼α¼░α¼úα¡Çପα¼₧α¡ìα¼£α¼┐α¼òα¼╛</short>
  235.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  236.       </locale>
  237.       <locale name="pl">
  238.         <short>Katalog</short>
  239.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  240.       </locale>
  241.       <locale name="pt">
  242.         <short>Direct├│rio</short>
  243.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  244.       </locale>
  245.       <locale name="pt_BR">
  246.         <short>Diret├│rio</short>
  247.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  248.       </locale>
  249.       <locale name="ru">
  250.         <short>╨Ü╨░╤é╨░╨╗╨╛╨│</short>
  251.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  252.       </locale>
  253.       <locale name="sk">
  254.         <short>Prie─ìinok</short>
  255.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  256.       </locale>
  257.       <locale name="sv">
  258.         <short>Katalog</short>
  259.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  260.       </locale>
  261.       <locale name="tr">
  262.         <short>Dizin</short>
  263.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  264.       </locale>
  265.       <locale name="uk">
  266.         <short>╨Ü╨░╤é╨░╨╗╨╛╨│</short>
  267.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  268.       </locale>
  269.       <locale name="zh_CN">
  270.         <short>τ¢«σ╜ò</short>
  271.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  272.       </locale>
  273.       <locale name="zh_TW">
  274.         <short>τ¢«Θîä</short>
  275.         <long>Put screenshot images in this directory. If empty, the desktop directory will be used.</long>
  276.       </locale>
  277.     </schema>
  278.     <schema>
  279.       <key>/schemas/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/launch_app</key>
  280.       <applyto>/apps/compiz/plugins/screenshot/allscreens/options/launch_app</applyto>
  281.       <owner>compiz</owner>
  282.       <type>string</type>
  283.       <default/>
  284.       <locale name="C">
  285.         <short>Launch Application</short>
  286.         <long>Automatically open screenshot in this application</long>
  287.       </locale>
  288.       <locale name="bg">
  289.         <short>╨í╤é╨░╤Ç╤é╨╕╤Ç╨░╨╣ ╨┐╤Ç╨╕╨╗╨╛╨╢╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╡</short>
  290.         <long>Automatically open screenshot in this application</long>
  291.       </locale>
  292.       <locale name="bn">
  293.         <short>αª╕αºìαªÑαª╛পনαªòαª╛αª░αºì᪻αºçαª░ αªàনαºü᪬αºìαª░য়αºïαªù</short>
  294.         <long>αªÅαªç αªàনαºü᪬αºìαª░য়αºïαªùαºç αª╕αºìαªòαºìαª░αª┐নαª╢᪃αªùαºüαª▓αª┐ αª╕αºìবয়αªéαªòαºìαª░αª┐য়ভαª╛বαºç αªûαºüαª▓αºç αª»αª╛য়</long>
  295.       </locale>
  296.       <locale name="bn_IN">
  297.         <short>αª╕αºìαªÑαª╛পনαªòαª╛αª░αºì᪻αºçαª░ αªàনαºü᪬αºìαª░য়αºïαªù</short>
  298.         <long>αªÅαªç αªàনαºü᪬αºìαª░য়αºïαªùαºç αª╕αºìαªòαºìαª░αª┐নαª╢᪃αªùαºüαª▓αª┐ αª╕αºìবয়αªéαªòαºìαª░αª┐য়ভαª╛বαºç αªûαºüαª▓αºç αª»αª╛য়</long>
  299.       </locale>
  300.       <locale name="cs">
  301.         <short>Spustit aplikaci : </short>
  302.         <long>Automaticky otev┼Ö├¡t sn├¡mek v t├⌐to aplikaci</long>
  303.       </locale>
  304.       <locale name="de">
  305.         <short>Anwendung starten</short>
  306.         <long>Bildschirmfoto automatisch mit dieser Anwendung ├╢ffnen</long>
  307.       </locale>
  308.       <locale name="el">
  309.         <short>╬ò╬║╬║╬»╬╜╬╖╧â╬╖ ╬ò╧å╬▒╧ü╬╝╬┐╬│╬«╧é</short>
  310.         <long>╬æ╧à╧ä╧î╬╝╬▒╧ä╬┐ ╬¼╬╜╬┐╬╣╬│╬╝╬▒ ╬▒╧ü╧Ç╬▒╬│╬«╧é ╬┐╬╕╧î╬╜╬╖╧é ╧â╬╡ ╬▒╧à╧ä╬« ╧ä╬╖╬╜ ╬╡╧å╬▒╧ü╬╝╬┐╬│╬«</long>
  311.       </locale>
  312.       <locale name="es">
  313.         <short>Iniciar Aplicaci├│n</short>
  314.         <long>Automaticamente toma una captura de pantalla en esta aplicaci├│n</long>
  315.       </locale>
  316.       <locale name="eu">
  317.         <short>Abiarazi aplikazioa</short>
  318.         <long>Auomatikoki ireki pantaila argazkia aplikazio honetan</long>
  319.       </locale>
  320.       <locale name="fi">
  321.         <short>Suorita sovellus</short>
  322.         <long>Ohjelma joka automaattisesti avaa kuvakaappauksen</long>
  323.       </locale>
  324.       <locale name="fr">
  325.         <short>Lancer une Application</short>
  326.         <long>Ouvrir automatiquement la capture d'├⌐cran dans cette application</long>
  327.       </locale>
  328.       <locale name="gl">
  329.         <short>Lanzar Aplicaci├│n</short>
  330.         <long>Abrir automaticamente a captura de pantalla con esta aplicaci├│n</long>
  331.       </locale>
  332.       <locale name="gu">
  333.         <short>α¬òα¬╛α¬░α½ìᬻα¬òα½ìα¬░ᬫ α¬▓α¬╛α¬╡α½ï</short>
  334.         <long>α¬╕α½ìα¬òα½ìα¬░α½Çનα¬╢α½ïᬃ α¬åᬬα½ïα¬åᬬ α¬å α¬òα¬╛α¬░α½ìᬻα¬òα½ìα¬░ᬫᬫα¬╛α¬é α¬ûα½ïα¬▓α½ï</long>
  335.       </locale>
  336.       <locale name="he">
  337.         <short>╫⌐╫Æ╫¿ ╫Ö╫Ö╫⌐╫ò╫¥</short>
  338.         <long>╫ñ╫¬╫ù ╫É╫ò╫ÿ╫ò╫₧╫ÿ╫Ö╫¬ ╫ª╫Ö╫£╫ò╫₧╫Ö ╫₧╫í╫Ü ╫æ╫Ö╫Ö╫⌐╫ò╫¥ ╫û╫ö</long>
  339.       </locale>
  340.       <locale name="hi">
  341.         <short>αñàαñ¿αÑüαñ¬αÑìαñ░αñ»αÑïαñù αñ▓αñ╛αñéαñÜ αñòαñ░αÑçαñé</short>
  342.         <long>αñçαñ╕ αñàαñ¿αÑüαñ¬αÑìαñ░αñ»αÑïαñù αñ«αÑçαñé αñ╕αÑìαñ╡αññαñâ αñ╕αÑìαñòαÑìαñ░αÑÇαñ¿αñ╢αÑëαñƒ αñûαÑïαñ▓αÑçαñé</long>
  343.       </locale>
  344.       <locale name="hu">
  345.         <short>Alkalmaz├ís ind├¡t├ísa</short>
  346.         <long>A automatikus ind├¡t├ísa bejelentkez├⌐skor</long>
  347.       </locale>
  348.       <locale name="it">
  349.         <short>Applicazione da eseguire</short>
  350.         <long>Apre le schermate con questa applicazione</long>
  351.       </locale>
  352.       <locale name="ja">
  353.         <short>Φ╡╖σïòπéóπâùπâ¬πé▒πâ╝πé╖πâºπâ│</short>
  354.         <long>πé╣πé»πâ¬πâ╝πâ│πé╖πâºπââπâêτö╗σâÅπéÆπüôπü«πéóπâùπâ¬πé▒πâ╝πé╖πâºπâ│πüºΦç¬σïòτÜäπü½ΘûïπüÅ</long>
  355.       </locale>
  356.       <locale name="ko">
  357.         <short>φöäδí£Ω╖╕δ₧¿ ∞ïñφûë</short>
  358.         <long>∞¥┤ φöäδí£Ω╖╕δ₧¿∞¥ä ∞é¼∞Ü⌐φòÿ∞ù¼ ∞èñφü¼δª░∞â╖∞¥ä ∞₧ÉδÅÖ∞£╝δí£ ∞ù┤Ω╕░</long>
  359.       </locale>
  360.       <locale name="nb">
  361.         <short>Kj├╕r program</short>
  362.         <long>├àpne skjermbilde automatisk med dette programmet</long>
  363.       </locale>
  364.       <locale name="nl">
  365.         <short>Start toepassing</short>
  366.         <long>Automatisch schermafdruk openen in deze applicatie</long>
  367.       </locale>
  368.       <locale name="or">
  369.         <short>ପα¡ìα¼░α¼╛α¼░ମα¡ìଭα¼òα¼░α¼┐α¼¼α¼╛ α¼¬α¡ìα¼░α¼»α¡ïα¼ù</short>
  370.         <long>α¼Åα¼╣α¼┐ α¼¬α¡ìα¼░α¼»α¡ïα¼ùα¼░α¡ç α¼╕α¡ìα¼¼α¼»α¼éα¼Üα¼╛α¼│α¼┐α¼ñଭα¼╛α¼¼α¼░α¡ç α¼╕α¡ìα¼òα¡ìα¼░α¼┐ନα¼╕ଟ α¼ûα¡ïα¼▓</long>
  371.       </locale>
  372.       <locale name="pl">
  373.         <short>Uruchom program</short>
  374.         <long>Automatycznie otwiera zrzut ekrany w tym programie</long>
  375.       </locale>
  376.       <locale name="pt">
  377.         <short>Iniciar Aplica├º├úo</short>
  378.         <long>Abrir automaticamente captura de ecr├ú nesta aplica├º├úo</long>
  379.       </locale>
  380.       <locale name="pt_BR">
  381.         <short>Iniciar Aplica├º├úo</short>
  382.         <long>Abrir automaticamente captura de tela nesta aplica├º├úo</long>
  383.       </locale>
  384.       <locale name="ro">
  385.         <short>Lansare aplica╚¢ie</short>
  386.         <long>Deschide captura de ecran automat ├«n aceast─â aplica╚¢ie</long>
  387.       </locale>
  388.       <locale name="ru">
  389.         <short>╨ù╨░╨┐╤â╤ü╤é╨╕╤é╤î ╨┐╤Ç╨╕╨╗╨╛╨╢╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╡</short>
  390.         <long>╨É╨▓╤é╨╛╨╝╨░╤é╨╕╤ç╨╡╤ü╨║╨╕ ╤ü╨╜╨╕╨╝╨╛╨║ ╤ì╨║╤Ç╨░╨╜╨░ ╨▓ ╤ì╤é╨╛╨╣ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨│╤Ç╨░╨╝╨╝╨╡</long>
  391.       </locale>
  392.       <locale name="sk">
  393.         <short>Spusti┼Ñ aplik├íciu</short>
  394.         <long>Automaticky otvori┼Ñ sn├¡mku v tejto aplik├ícii</long>
  395.       </locale>
  396.       <locale name="sv">
  397.         <short>K├╢r program</short>
  398.         <long>├ûppna automatiskt sk├ñrmbilder i detta program</long>
  399.       </locale>
  400.       <locale name="tr">
  401.         <short>Uygulamay─▒ Ba┼ƒlat</short>
  402.         <long>Ekran g├╢r├╝nt├╝s├╝n├╝ otomatik olarak bu uygulama ile a├º</long>
  403.       </locale>
  404.       <locale name="uk">
  405.         <short>╨ù╨░╨┐╤â╤ü╤é╨╕╤é╨╕ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨│╤Ç╨░╨╝╤â</short>
  406.         <long>╨É╨▓╤é╨╛╨╝╨░╤é╨╕╤ç╨╜╨╛ ╨╖╨╜╤û╨╝╨╛╨║ ╨╡╨║╤Ç╨░╨╜╤â ╨▓ ╤å╤û╨╣ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨│╤Ç╨░╨╝╤û</long>
  407.       </locale>
  408.       <locale name="zh_CN">
  409.         <short>σÉ»σè¿σ║öτö¿τ¿ïσ║Å</short>
  410.         <long>σ£¿Φ»Ñσ║öτö¿τ¿ïσ║ÅΣ╕¡Φç¬σè¿σ╝ÇσÉ»µê¬σ▒Å</long>
  411.       </locale>
  412.       <locale name="zh_TW">
  413.         <short>σòƒσïòτÜäµçëτö¿τ¿ïσ╝Å</short>
  414.         <long>σ£¿ΘÇÖσÇïµçëτö¿τ¿ïσ╝ÅΣ╕¡Φç¬σïòΘûïσòƒΦ₧óσ╣òµô╖σÅû</long>
  415.       </locale>
  416.     </schema>
  417.   </schemalist>
  418. </gconfschemafile>